Viagra Of The East

Why named this page as Viagra of the east. Long before Viagra is invented, Chinese already concoct types of medicinal wines to promote blood circulation,
strengthening body, boots energy and yes' it improve sex drive and virility. This is so call as a "Man's Drinks"

Must be caution of drinking these types of wines. It contains numbers of herbs and animal parts, it can't exceed the dos, continuous used is also not advisable,
it also not advice to be server to any pregnant women and young adult male; they will have too much "yang" in there young age, it will be too portent for them!

Gui She Jiu
Gui She Jiu
Gui She Jiu
Tortoise snake wine
Tortoise snake wine
Tortoise snake wine

Gui She Jiu
Gui She Jiu
Lu Gui Jiu
Xiong Bian Wine
Xiong Bian Wine
Tortoise Snake Wine
Tortoise Snake Wine
Land Tortoise Wine
Male Penis Wine
Male Penis Wine

San Bian Jiu
San Bian Jiu
Special Quality Sanpien Jiu
Special Quality Sanpien Jiu
Tezhi Sanbian Jiu
Three Penis Wine
Three Penis Wine
Three Penis Wine
Three Penis Wine
Three Penis Wine

Duo Bian Jiu
Duo Bian Jiu
Lu Bian Jiu
Lu Wei Jiu
Multi-Penis Wine
Multi-Penis Wine
Deer Penis Wine
Deer Tail Wine

Last update: 6th Jun 2006
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